What is Print Media?
Let’s start with the basics, Print media is the oldest form of mass communication. It includes newspapers, magazines, and other forms of printed journals.
Print media tends to present a detailed explanation and are informative. Hence, you should give it a go if you are curious individuals like us. Coming back to the topic of the day, we are talking about print commercials, which refer to the advertisements these prints carry. To gather attention from the public, print firms needed to be a bit creative, and hence, they would unleash their complete creativity for these advertisements, and today we will be looking at our best picks which weren’t just simple and meaningful but also made us stare at the advertisement for a while and admire the creativity and meaning behind them.
The top 5 picks for most creative yet simple print ad are:
1. WWF: Shark
If you want to learn how to convey a much deeper meaning from simplicity, you need to learn from DBB Agency. Published in 2010, this print was part of the World Wildlife Fund’s campaign to keep ecosystems safe. These ads usually featured 2 similar images with one show, an animal which we usually don’t care out and points out how their extinction can be scarier than the animal itself. This print tries to gather people’s pity for the cause and become aware of the current situation. The line at the bottom tells the audience about the main message.
This creative use of magazine fold is simply too clever!
The Adidas: Forever Sport campaign’s double-page uses the fold and images of women exercising in such a way that when a reader opens and closes the pages, the persons in the picture will perform those exercises.
3. Faceabook
If you read it as Facebook, you are not the first. An Israeli advertising agency, Brickman, Ramat Gan made this advertisement for Tzomet Sfarim, the second-largest bookstore chain in Israel. This advertisement can surely grab your attention and if you missed the difference, it surely would make you wonder. To make you further aware of the realization, the firm put the main message at the bottom reading, “Disconnect for a while. Read a book.” Something that we desperately need to do nowadays.
4. Flame Grilled
Let’s move from a little serious print to hilarious ones just to lighten the situation. No one can top this one, where Burger King for their campaign launched photos of stores being burned down. It kind of sounds like trying to scare away the customers, does it? But here’s the catch, since 1954 more Burger King stores have burned down than any other fast-food chain. Burger King also claims to flame grill their burgers instead of frying them. They thought of using these fire incidents to publicise themselves. Plus points for self-roast. Even though they drew negative publicity it still got them the attention they wanted.
Truly Flame Grilled….. burgers or restaurants?
5. When IKEA bit Apple
Created by advertisement company The Smarts, After Apple launched its Mac Pro, people looked at the similarity between it and a cheese grater. Ikea or for this should we say i kea thought of getting in on the fun by launching an ad for its own apple grater. We have no idea if such a thing exists.
They also continued the joke by using small I for the name of their product, which represents the signature style of Apple.
Before signing off, let us talk about the relevance of these print media in today’s world.
Are Print Media commercials useful in 2022?
Print media has the advantage of making a longer impact on the minds of the reader, with more in-depth reporting and analysis. Also, according to a survey of 2019, 425 million people read newspapers daily.
Print commercials can be considered to be durable as they will be existing somewhere in the physical world. A monthly journal may additionally sit down in a waiting room for that entire month or longer. Those ads have a more lasting effect than any other short-time visual.
Although we can acknowledge the fact that, millennials are more drawn to the digital world, and this can in effect make for fewer sales of Print Media commercials. But that shouldn’t stop them from being creative as novel ideas, always get appreciated in today’s world. Want to groove on some childhood nostalgia?
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